Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ask Pat~

Do you want to know more about visual sound?
Ask Pat here~


At 11:36 AM, Blogger 馬自美 Mei said...

Here are one question some students asked before and a post from Pat regarding it:

Q:I find the sounds made by the vOICe irritating and they get on my nerves, though I understand that the vOICe might certainly be useful to someone with no vision. Does a blind vOICe user find the sounds irritating too, at least at first?

A: No I have never felt the soundscapes sounds were irritating. Just very confusing at first. I think since I do not rely on my eyes now rather my hearing , the soundscapes don't bother me. If your students were suddenly given the chance to step from the emptiness of blindness by using the vOICe I am sure they would leap at the chance. In the very beginning about 7 years ago, I did not believe such unusual weird sounds could do anything but give me a throbbing headache. But something happens over time and the mind does not hear the soundscapes rather focuses mainly on the visual image. So the sound of the scapes is rendered to the back of the consciousness. Like listening to a favored song while doing say homework. You hear the music and the mind knows it is playing but your concentration is focused elsewhere. How long this takes depends on ones usage of the program and the equipment. Sitting at my desktop at first I barely could relate to the meaning of the soundscapes. When I became mobile the soundscapes provided my consciousness a means of stepping once again into sight. So that short walk down my hall was for the first time coupled with an awareness of walls, length and depth..
I had a sighted friend described the soundscapes as the sounds two whales would make while mating.
I understand as she had no experience nor reference to relate from concerning the sight the program generates.
Am I suppose to go up to your blog to write with your students. I have not worked with a blog so need your guidance here.
Take Care,


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